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  • There is Hope, you can have peace and a better life. There is no mistake, or bad actions you have or ever will do that can keep you from the love of God or make your life not worth living.

  • We believe in one true Most Hight God, the Creator of everything, who has made each of us with a special plan. Every life has value, purpose, and meaning. We don't try to define or limit who God is.

  • Every person, including you, is valuable and created by God with unique talents and abilities. We are made in God's image, reflecting the perfection of this divine design.

  • We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was sent by God to restore our relationship with God and make our lives whole. Jesus brings us hope, healing, and restoration. He paid the price for all our mistakes and wrongdoing, helping us live the life God intended for us. Jesus is the perfect role model, the ultimate moral teacher, and the way back to God.

  • Jesus calls us to change, —to turn from living for ourselves and move toward a restored relationship with God, living as God originally intended us to. (“Repent”)

  • This transformation starts inside each of us and means turning away from anything that doesn't align with God's will for our lives. This includes harmful thoughts, intentions, and actions, as well as not doing what is right. "Sin" isn’t about breaking rules; it’s a condition of the heart that happens when we turn away from God to follow our own desires.

  • Recognizing our imperfections and that we can't do this alone, we do not to judge others. Instead, we find salvation, truth, and eternal life in Jesus. We trust Him as our Lord and aim to follow all His teachings, not picking and choosing which ones to accept or ignore, as we seek to live according to His will.

  • The Bible was written by various people who were inspired by God. It is a source of wisdom and guidance when rightly understood and applied using proper cultural and historical context and not misused as a weapon of control or hate.

  • We affirm the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all who believe

  • We acknowledge our human imperfection, understanding that we do not possess all the answers, but we rely on God's grace, to guide us towards the answers



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