This is a mentoring program for at risk youth, that pairs youth with adult mentors in order to assist the youth in becoming productive citizens. Mentors meet with youth one on one guiding them in the right direction
The Youth Serve program focuses primarily on youth who are of middle and early high school age. This age group is particularly problematic and a perfect time for mentoring to be effective. At-risk young people have lost faith in the possibilities that await them if they are successful in putting their lives together. Youth Serve is here to restore that hope.

The Youth Form program targets youth who are in need of educational services in order to help them learn how to cope with the transition to adult life. The program offers guest speakers who conduct workshops on basic life tasks and responsibilities such as driving, cooking, finding employment and housing, and banking.
This program is still in development. We wish to offer these classes both online and in person at various setting within the community. Once the Teen Centers re-open they will host these classes. If you are interested in volunteering to conduct one of these workshops, then please contact us.